Hello Strangers!
Well we finally made it to Pennsylvania. We have been here for a total of 5 days and we are SOOOOO tired! We have been working so hard getting everything unpacked and put together that we haven't had time to rest. My daughter is finally starting to get back onto her normal sleeping schedule, but has had a hard time getting used to the 2 hour time difference. I do feel, though, that we are finally starting to get settled and the boxes being broken down little by little everyday.
Today, I was able to find my craft stuff, unpack it, and set it up. I really like having a "space" for all my supplies, even though I have to share the room with my husband. But its better than crafting on the kitchen table. Also, we have been having a hard time getting our internet set up so its really been hit and miss. Today is the first time I have been able to get internet since we've been here, so sorry for the LONG delay.
I hope everyone is having a fabulous week! Happy crafting!!